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Attendance Information

Tardy= 8:05am-8:59am
Half Day= Arrival 9:00am-11:15am
Full Day= In attendance less than four (4) full class periods.
Early Release= Leaving after 2:00pm

Following an absence, a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian must be submitted to the office as required by the Pennsylvania School Code. This excuse must state the date/s of and the reason for the absence. 


Email excuses for ELEMENTARY students to

Email excuses for HIGH SCHOOL students to

Failure to submit an excuse within three days will result in the absence being considered unexcused.

Students who are absent or who leave school during the day due to illness may not participate in or attend any after-school activity.

According to the Pennsylvania School Code and Juniata Valley School Board Policy 204, an absence must be excused for the following reasons:

  1. Illness
  2. Quarantine
  3. Family emergency
  4. Recovery from accident
  5. Required court attendance
  6. Death in family
  7. Family educational travel, with prior approval. Family educational travel will not be approved during PSSA and Keystone Testing. Any family educational travel during testing times will not be excused.
  8. Educational tours and trips, with prior approval.
  9. Impassable roads

Any absence not meeting one of these criteria will be considered unexcused, but student will not be penalized academically for not meeting these criteria.

Once a student of compulsory school age (18 or under), reaches ten (10) days of absence during the school year, he/she may be issued a medical letter. This notification requires that for any absence during the remainder of the school year to be excused, the student must furnish a note from a doctor. The note must indicate that the student was seen by the doctor, and that he/she was too ill to attend school on the day(s) in question. Prior to the issuance of the medical letter, the parents will be issued a warning letter after five (5) days of absence reminding them of the number of days missed and the potential consequences of continued absences. After the issuance of the medical letter, any absences not accompanied by a doctor’s note will be counted as unexcused.

After a student has three days of unexcused (or unlawful) absences, the parents will be notified via certified mail that the three day limit has been reached. Upon the next unexcused absence your family will be entered into the State Truancy Elimination Program under Act 138 of 2016.

The minutes absent during tardy and Early Releases will be calculated. Once the minutes reach 200 minutes absent, a student will be charged with a half-day absence.


For more information on Attendance Policy:

High School Handbook (Pages 13-15)

Elementary Handbook (Pages 3-5)