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Central Registration
The central registration department is responsible for all student intake and PIMS related tasks. 

Guidance and Career Readiness
Guidance and Career Readiness provides students with resources and information for the next step in life. 

Social Work
Stephanie Galloway-Maslanik, LCSW, RPT-S
814-669-4401 Ext. 4522/814-669-4422 Ext. 1520
Welcome to the School Social Worker's page. Here, you can find brochures/forms related to our Student Assistance Program (SAP) as well as other resources that promote students' social and emotional well-being and academic success. 


Student Services

Welcome to the Student Services department. Here you find information regarding Special Education including:  trainings, information regarding services, policies, and much more. You will also find information regarding Homelessness. 
If you have any questions please reach out to:
Lisa Coble
Director of Student Services
Elementary Principal

Michael Zinobile


Kyle Payne
Director Technology

Title I

The Title I program at Juniata Valley provides reading intervention to students in grades K-2.  The Title I program is support through the use of federal funds.

Please see the links on this page to review the District Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the JVES Parent and Family Engagement Policy, which also includes the parent and family engagement plan and parent compact.

If you have any questions regarding the Title I program, please contact Mrs. Becker or Mrs. Richner, Title I reading teachers, or Dr. Quinter, elementary principal.